Modern Feminine Creative Workspace Stock Photos

Feminine, but also edgy, this workspace Stock photos collection is perfect for brands that aren’t afraid to mix soft hues with bold patterns

Modern feminine creative workspace images for women business owners featuring desktops, women working, office space and mockups.

Say hello modern workspace stock photo collection that we've called, Design Dreams. Seriously, who doesn't dream of creating every day in a light filled, inspiring workspace?

Photographed by MJay Photography and styled by Hella Design Studio for Haute Stock, this collection features beautiful overhead drone shots from the Haute Stock HQ that will be fun to incorporate into marketing materials and Instagram feeds!

You'll also find several frame, paper, and business card mockups to round out the styled stock image collection for lots of opportunity to showcase your designs and work. 

Featuring designers working together, frame and paper mockups, this collection is a natural fit for creative entrepreneurs, coaches, and product makers.

Black, Cream & Blush Pink: Modern Feminine Office Space Stock Photos

Featuring designers working together, frame and paper mockups, this collection is a natural fit for creative entrepreneurs, coaches, and product makers.

Need some inspo for using this collection in your marketing and branding graphics? In this post we share creative tips for incorporating stock photos into your visual marketing strategy right now.



Click through the gallery below:

Modern office stock photos for creative entrepreneurs from Haute Stock.

Modern Office Stock Photos for Creative Entrepreneurs

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